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Thursday 17 September 2015

Understanding Numerology

Numerology can be best, and most simply explained as the study of numbers. But the simplicity ends there. To the occultist, numbers reflect more than quantity and are indicative of the nature of the cosmic plan of the universe. The letters of the Latin alphabet have a numeric value which can be deciphered to reveal relative cosmic vibrations. Chinese and Arabic civilizations have their forms of numerology as well.
The added numbers of a date of birth when related to the numeric value of the letters in a name can illustrate some arcane interrelations that can be deciphered by an experienced practitioner. The number produced by an individual's date of birth and numeric equivalent of their name can illustrate details about character, life direction, motivations and talents.
Expert numerologists can use these numbers to make predictions as well as decide on the best moment to embark on an adventure, when to marry (and if you and your finance's numbers work well together) and how many kids would be the perfect number for you.
Many people turn to numerology to provide guidance in their lives. Not only can understanding the numbers in your name and birth date tell you more about who you are, but it can help you understand who you are truly meant to be. This knowledge can give you the confidence you need to undertake new challenges or to pursue your dreams. You can think of it a bit like a road map for your life. By giving you a direction to follow, numerology can help you reach your ultimate destination.
How Did All This Begin?
Numerology as a study began many years ago around the same time the Greeks were working on their numerical system and making astounding progress in the field of mathematics. Pythagoras, who most of us remember from grade schools mathematics, is widely considered the father of numerology. However, evidence of numerology preceding the Greeks is out there, namely in elements of the Hebrew culture. Other historical evidence also points to even earlier use of this practice in China and other Eastern cultures.
Does Numerology Actually Work?
This is a question that is best decided by the individual. It is obvious that numbers rule our lives, but to what extent is still inconclusive. However, the fact that civilizations separated by space and time all came up with same idea is a fascinating point. Proof of numerology or that all humans think the same way? You decide.

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