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Thursday 22 May 2014

Top 8 Poisonous Fish

The most poisonous fish are less-known than snakes and scorpions, but they can be just as lethal.

Top 10 Most Dangerous Animals In The Sea

op 10 Most Dangerous Animals In The Sea
comments about megalodon WILL BE REMOVED

World's 10 Most Amazing Lifeforms

World's 10 Most Amazing Lifeforms

World's 10 Biggest Animals of All Time

e most gigantic animals Earth has ever seen... (HD - 01/2014)

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5 Most Mysterious Sounds Ever Recorded

From mysterious sounds in the sky to strange sounds in the sea, unexplained sounds have been reported worldwide. These are the top strange noises reported around the world, including creepy Russian numbers stations like UVB-76, the underwater Bloop sound, an unexplained hum - sometimes known as the Taos hum - vibrating the air in places as far apart as Canada and Australia, mysterious booms rocking the sky, and the odd whale sounds of the 52 hertz whale -- the loneliest whale in the world.

These strange sounds have been reported throughout history, but some continue through 2014 and today. Just what are these strange, sometimes scary noises? Are they signs of the apocalypse? Caused by government projects like HAARP, secret Air Force jets or even NASA? Or perhaps there are reasonable, less apocalyptic explanations... Turn up the volume, and watch to find out!

Star Size Comparison HD

here are several videos circulating showing a comparison of the largest stars. I like these kind of things, and I wanted to try one myself. Probably because I also watched "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan as a kid. Actually my first Youtube upload. Hope you like it...

Saturn's Largest Moon Titan: A World Much Like Earth

Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM) is a joint NASA/ESA proposal for an exploration of Saturn and its moons Titan and Enceladus, where many complex phenomena have been revealed by the recent CassiniHuygens mission.
Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM) is a joint NASA/ESA proposal for an exploration of Saturn and its moons Titan and Enceladus, where many complex phenomena have been revealed by the recent CassiniHuygens mission.

Saturn's Mysterious Moons

Launched three years before the new century... a spacecraft wound its way through the empty reaches of the solar system. On Earth, its progress was little noted, as it swung twice by the planet Venus, then our moon. And Earth. The asteroid belt. And Jupiter.

Almost seven years later, on the first of July 2004, the Cassini probe entered the orbit of Saturn. It then began to compile what has become one of the greatest photographic collections of all time, of a giant gas planet, surrounded by colorful rings, guarded by a diverse collection of moons, and millions of tiny moonlets.

Within this record, is a trail of clues... pointing to the energy sources and complex chemistry needed to spawn life. What are these mysterious worlds telling us about the universe, and Earth?

In the outer reaches of the solar system, a billion and a half kilometers from the Sun... there is a little world known as Enceladus. Nearly all of the sunlight that strikes its icy surface is reflected back into space, making it one of the brightest objects in the solar system.

At its equator, the average temperature is minus 198 degrees Celsius. It can rise about 70 degrees higher in grooves that stretch across the south pole like tiger stripes. Looming over it is the giant planet Saturn.

In myth, Saturn - the Roman name for the primal Greek God Chronos - was the youngest son of Gaia, or Earth, and Uranus, sky. Wielding a scythe provided by his mother, the story goes, Saturn confronted his abusive father, castrating him. The blood of Uranus flowed into the seas, fertilizing the Earth and giving rise to Enceladus and other giant offspring.

Saturn's moon Enceladus has its own tangled story. In 2005, the Cassini spacecraft spotted plumes of water vapor shooting out into space from its south pole.

More recent close encounters have revealed jets of water, flavored by slightly salty chemical compounds, spewing out from vents in the rough, cracked polar terrain. That may mean that Enceladus harbors a remarkable secret below its frigid surface: A liquid ocean, and perhaps, a chemical environment that could spawn simple life forms.

It's not the only promising stop in the realm of Saturn. The moon Titan is often said to resemble Earth in its early days. It is lined with volcanoes and a hazy atmosphere rich in organic compounds.

While Enceladus is the size of Great Britain, Titan is ten times larger, 50% larger than our moon, and the second largest moon in our solar system.

We've known about Titan since the astronomer Christian Huygens discovered it in 1655, and Enceladus since William Herschel spotted it in August 1789, just after the start of the French Revolution.

Scientists began to investigate these moons in earnest with the launch of the two Voyager spacecraft in 1977. The lineup of outer planets in the solar system allowed the spacecraft to fly past each of them.

They disclosed new details about their magnetic fields, atmospheres, ring systems, and inner cores. But what really turned heads were the varied shapes and surfaces of their moons.

They've all been pummeled over the millennia by wayward asteroids and comets. A few appear to be sculpted by forces below their surfaces. Neptune's largest moon Triton has few craters. It's marked with circular depressions bounded by rugged ridges. There are also grooves and folds that stretch for dozens of miles, a sign of fracturing and deforming.

Triton has geysers too, shooting some five miles above the surface. But on this frigid moon -- so far from the Sun -- the liquid that spouts is not water but nitrogen.

Tiny Miranda, one of 27 known moons that orbit Uranus, wears a jumbled skin that's been shaped and reshaped by forces within. Jupiter's moon Io -- orbiting perilously close to the giant planet is literally turning itself inside out. Rivers of lava roll down from open craters that erupt like fountains.

Flying by Europa, Voyager documented a complex network of criss-crossing grooves and ridges. In the 1990s, the Galileo spacecraft went back to get a closer look. It found that Europa's surface is a crazy quilt of fractured plates, cliff faces and gullies... amid long grooves like a network of superhighways. How did it get like this?

Then, heat rising up through a subsurface ocean of liquid water cracks, and shifts, and spreads the icy surface in a thousand different ways. Europa's neighbors, Callisto and Ganymede, show similar features, suggesting they too may have liquid oceans below their surfaces.

Crossing outward to Saturn, Voyager found a similar surface on the moon Enceladus. So when the Cassini spacecraft arrived in 2004, it came looking for answers to a range of burning questions: if this moon and others have subsurface oceans? Do they also have the ability to cook up and support life? And what could they tell us about the origin of life throughout the galaxy?

Mars: World That Never Was

Did Mars long ago develop far enough for life to arise? If so, does anything still live within Mars' dusty plains, beneath its ice caps, or somewhere underground?

In 1964 the Mariner Four spacecraft flew by Mars and got a good look. What it saw looked more like the Moon than the Earth. Then, in the mid-1970's, two lander-orbiter robot teams, named Viking, went in for an even closer look. The landers tested the soil for the chemical residues of life. All the evidence from Viking told us: Mars is dead. And extremely harsh.

The mission recorded Martian surface temperatures from -17 degrees Celsius down to -107. We now know it can get even colder than that at the poles. The atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide, with only traces of oxygen. And it's extremely thin, with less than one percent the surface pressure of Earth's atmosphere.

And it's bone dry. In fact, the Sahara Desert is a rainforest compared to Mars, where water vapor is a trace gas in the atmosphere. On Earth, impact craters erode over time from wind and water... and even volcanic activity. On Mars, they can linger for billions of years.

Earth's surface is shaped and reshaped by the horizontal movement of plates that make up its crust driven by heat welling up from the planet's hot interior. At half the width and only 11% the mass of Earth, Mars doesn't generate enough heat to support wide-scale plate tectonics.

Nor does it have the gravity to hold a thick atmosphere needed to store enough heat at the surface to allow liquid water to flow. Nonetheless, some areas that looked to Viking-era scientists like craters and volcanic areas, were later shown to be riverbeds, lake bottoms, and ocean shorelines.

If water once flowed on Mars' surface, where did it all go?

This was the scene at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab in 2004. The twin rovers Spirit and Opportunity had just bounced down on the Red Planet. When the excitement died down, the rovers were set off on one of the most remarkable journeys in the history of planetary exploration. Missions like this could one day pave the way for a day when we'll view images from a real astronaut's camera.

Opportunity had come to rest in a small crater near the equator, at a spot called Meridiani Planum. Here, in plain view, on a nearby crater wall, its camera revealed exposed bedrock, the first ever seen on Mars. Not far away, the rover found layered rocks on the face of a cliff. On Earth, they typically form as sedimentary layers at the bottom of oceans.

And at every turn, Opportunity rolled across tiny, smooth, round pellets. They became known as "blueberries" because they appeared purplish-brown against Mars' rust-colored surface. Initially thought to be volcanic in origin, they turned out to be iron-rich spherules of the type that form within cavities in the mud at the bottom of an ocean.

Drilling into rocks, the rover inserted a spectrometer to read the mineral content. The readings showed significant amounts of sulfate salt, a tracer for standing water. That wasn't all. Spirit's broken wheel, dragging behind it, exposed soils saturated in salt.

Clearly there once was water on Mars' surface, but how long ago? And, if there is anything left, where would you find it? One possible answer: the North Pole. From orbit, this region seemed to be covered in frozen CO2 - what we call dry ice. But was there water ice below the surface?

Enter Phoenix, a lander that touched down near the North Pole in early 2008. Radar readings from orbit, taken by the Mars Express mission, hinted at the presence of ice just below the surface.

The Phoenix lander's descent thrusters blew away the top layer of soil, allowing its camera to snap pictures of what looked like ice. Scientists instructed the robot to conduct a simple experiment: reach out and dig a trench, then watch what happens.

As expected, clumps of white stuff appeared. A couple of days later, it was gone. Vaporized. That means it can't be salt or frozen CO2, which is stable in the cold dry temperatures of the Martian pole. So it had to be water, the first ever directly seen on Mars.

There are indications that the North Pole was actually warm enough in the recent past for water ice to become liquid. The Mars Reconaissance Orbiter, or MRO, used radar pulses to peer beneath the surface of the ice cap. These data reveal that the ice, just over a mile thick, formed in a succession of layers as the climate alternated between warm and cold.

Our planet avoids mood swings like this in part because its spin is stabilized by a massive moon. Mars' spin is not, so it can really wobble, with the pole tilting toward the sun for long periods. New observations by the MRO spacecraft show that these wobbles can lead to dramatic releases of CO2, and warming periods due to an increase in the greenhouse effect.

NASA - Science Lecture: Humans Living on Mars

NASA - Science Lecture: Humans Living on Mars


Welcome to the Future

Jacque Fresco (born March 13, 1916), is a self-educated structural designer, architectural designer, philosopher of science, concept artist, educator, and futurist. His interests span a wide range of disciplines including several in philosophy, science, Architecture and engineering.

Fresco writes and lectures extensively on his view of subjects ranging from the holistic design of sustainable cities, energy efficiency, natural resource management, cybernated technology, advanced automation, and the role of science in society, focusing on the benefits he thinks they may bring. With his colleague, Roxanne Meadows, he is the founder and director of an organization known as The Venus Project, located in Venus, Florida.

In contemporary culture he has been popularized by three documentaries, Future By Design, Zeitgeist Addendum, and Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, His Venus Project has been inspirational worldwide, especially to activists.

Car Technology in the Future -Documentary

Car Technology in the Future -Documentary

Future Transportation Technology Will Blow Your Mind

Future Transportation Technology Will Blow Your Mind


The Longest Tunnel in The World

The Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is a railway tunnel in the heart of the Swiss Alps expected to open in 2016. With a route length of 57 km (35.4 mi) and a total of 151.84 km (94.3 mi) of tunnels, shafts and passages, it is the world's longest rail tunnel, surpassing the Seikan Tunnel in Japan.

Its main purpose is to increase total transport capacity across the Alps, especially for freight, notably between Germany and Italy, and more particularly to shift freight volumes from road to rail to reduce environmental damage caused by ever-increasing numbers of heavy lorries. A secondary benefit will be to cut the journey time for passenger trains from Zürich to Milan by about an hour and from Zürich to Lugano to 1-hour 40 minutes.

The project consists of two single-track tunnels. It is part of the AlpTransit project, also known as the New Railway Link through the Alps (NRLA), which includes the Lötschberg Base Tunnel between the cantons of Bern and Valais and the under construction Ceneri Base Tunnel (scheduled to open late 2019) to the south. It bypasses the Gotthardbahn, a winding mountain route opened in 1882 across the Saint-Gotthard Massif, which is now operating at capacity, and establishes a direct route usable by high-speed rail and heavy freight trains.

The total cost of the project is 9.8 billion Swiss francs, or US$10.3 billion. When completed, the Gotthard Base Tunnel will be one of the longest tunnel construction projects in the world: 20 years of constant construction and preparation.

Biggest Aircraft - Mega-Structures Documentary

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The Largest Oil Rig in The World

Perdido is the deepest floating oil rig (platform) in the world at a water depth of about 2450 meters operated by the Shell Oil Company in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Perdido is located in the Perdido fold belt which is a rich discovery of crude oil and natural gas that lies in water that is nearly 8000 feet deep. The platform's peak production will be 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day. At 267 meters, the Perdido is nearly as tall as the Eiffel Tower.

An oil rig is a large structure with facilities to drill wells, to extract and process oil and natural gas, and to temporarily store product until it can be brought to shore for refining and marketing. In many cases, the platform contains facilities to house the workforce as well.

Worlds Largest Aircraft - Even Bigger than a380 - shuttle carrier

Worlds Largest Aircraft - Even Bigger than a380 - shuttle carrier
­ne,Greatest,Airbus,Takeoff,Flying,Fs2004­,Worlds,Simulation (Software Genre),Fs9,Jet,Runway,Pilot,A320,A380,Ai­rbus A380 (Aircraft Model),Worlds Largest Aircraft,Bigger than a380,biggest plane,biggest airplane,biggest aircraft,biggest cargo plane,shuttle carrier,greatest plane,greatest aircraft,cargo plane,cargo aircraft

An-225 Mriya
The An-225 with Buran atop, at the Paris Air Show in 1989.
Role Strategic airlifter
National origin Soviet Union / Ukraine
Manufacturer Antonov
First flight 21 December 1988
Status In service
Primary user Antonov Airlines
Produced 1988
Number built 1
Developed from Antonov An-124

The Antonov An-225 Mriya (Ukrainian: Антонов Ан-225 Мрія, Dream, NATO reporting name: 'Cossack') is a strategic airlift cargo aircraft, designed by the Soviet Union's Antonov Design Bureau in the 1980s. The An-225's name, Mriya (Мрiя) means "Dream" (Inspiration) in Ukrainian. It is the largest airplane in the world; it is the heaviest aircraft with a gross weight of 640 tonnes and the biggest heavier-than-air aircraft in terms of length and wingspan in operational service.

The Antonov An-225, originally developed specifically to transport the Buran spaceplane, was an enlargement of the successful Antonov An-124. The first An-225 was completed in 1988 and a second An-225 has been partially completed. The completed An-225 is in commercial operation with Antonov Airlines carrying oversized payloads.[1] Among its many records, it holds the absolute world record for airlifted payload at 189,980 kilograms (418,834 pounds).[2][3]

The Antonov An-225 was designed to airlift the Energia rocket's boosters and the Buran space shuttle for the Soviet space program. It was developed as a replacement for the Myasishchev VM-T. The An-225's original mission and objectives are almost identical to that of the United States' Shuttle Carrier Aircraft.[4][5]

The An-225 first flew on 21 December 1988 with a 74 minute flight from Kiev. The aircraft was on static display at the Paris Air Show in 1989 and it flew during the public days at the Farnborough air show in 1990. Two aircraft were ordered, but only one An-225 (registration CCCP-82060 later UR-82060[6]) was finished. It can carry ultra-heavy and oversize freight, up to 250,000 kg (550,000 lb) internally,[4] or 200,000 kg (440,000 lb) on the upper fuselage. Cargo on the upper fuselage can be 70 metres (230 ft) long.[7]

A second An-225 was partially built during the late 1980s for the Soviet space program. The second An-225 included a rear cargo door and a redesigned tail with a single vertical stabilizer. It was planned to be more effective for cargo transportation.[8] Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the cancellation of the Buran space program, the lone operational An-225 was placed in storage in 1994.[9] The six Ivchenko Progress engines were removed for use on An-124s, and the second uncompleted An-225 airframe was also stored. The first An-225 was later re-engined and put into service.[10][11]

By 2000, the need for additional An-225 capacity had become apparent, so the decision was made in September 2006 to complete the second An-225. The second airframe was scheduled for completion around 2008,[12] then delayed. By August 2009, the aircraft had not been completed and work had been abandoned.[1][13] In May 2011 Antonov CEO is reported to have said that the completion of a second An-225 Mriya transport aircraft with a carrying capacity of 250 tons requires at least $300 million, but if the financing is provided, its completion could be achieved in three years.[14] According to different sources, the second jet is 60--70% complete.[15]

Hard day to land an Antonov 124

LFMN/NCE, windy day with windshear in short final 22L . This Antonov 124 performs an amazing"aircraft carrier" landing with a lot of smoke . Note the pitch adjustments in short final . Enjoy !

Tatra 813 8X8 Truck Trial

Tatra 813 8X8 Truck Trial


The Best Burnout EVER!!!!

$300.00 special catching HELL!!! At the 2011 Burnout party!!!
This vehicle was bought to finish the show with a bang!! This was done in front of the house on a PRIVATE road and IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE A BURNOUT DON'T CLICK THIS LINK!!! And don't ask WHY?? If you want to see pics of the road after the burnout go to my channel click on website!!!

Subaru Impreza Prova Police Car with working lights

HPI Prova Impreza body with police paint and fully working radio controlled normal and hazard lights with sound

RC ADVENTURES - Learning To Drift:

, Linking, heck we try it all in this unique video I put together. Crawler Ted, Brian and MEDiC are at it again, having some fun in a VERY Fun video.. laughing, drifting, and making fun of each other while being NEWBS .

RC ADVENTURES™/RCSparks Studio™ © 2013 Medic Media Productions Inc.. All rights reserved. Publication, reproduction or distribution of this film by any means whatsoever - including without limitation electronic transmission via internet or e-mail, or re-uploading existing videos & re-uploading such material on any website anywhere in the world — is strictly prohibited without prior the written consent of Medic Media Productions Inc. Please note that the RCSparks Studio does not sell RC Products. The RCSparks Studio an independent promotor of a great hobby! I am not directly affiliated with any of the vendors or manufacturers in this video. the RCSparks Studio is not liable for any damage or loss through the use of products or techniques shown - Use at your own risk! This film and the RC ADVENTURES film series on YouTube is intended for entertainment purposes only.

RC ADVENTURES - TTC 2012 - Eps 5 - MUD BOG / TRUCK KiLLER - Scale 4x4 Truck Challenge - Rude Boyz RC

080HD! MUD, MUDDiER, THE MUDDiEST! This land of SLOP is a True Truck Killer! Sandy, Gritty, FULL OF Dinosaur Bones - these Bad lands of Alberta Canada - know how to CRiPPLE a 10th Scale 4x4 Trail Truck in just moments...

For those competitors who are able, willing and committed to showing the online YOUTUBE RC ADDiCTS the BEST STTC MUD BOG they could give - the following competitors risked their rigs .. and utter annihilation!


The Next EVENT will be the 3000 FOOT RALLY RACE!

Vario EC 135 PHT 3 Startup and flight

Startup and flight of a Jetcat PHT 3 turbine powered 1:6 scale Eurocopter EC 135 helicopter.

For more videos of flights with this helicopter check out my channel!

Kids Race Power Wheels to Cars Land

Kids Race Power Wheels to Cars Land


Kinderspeelparadijs Ballorig

Kinderspeelparadijs Ballorig


Little Girl Loves Her Bird?

ittle Girl Loves Her Bird cute baby parakeet tweet birds fly bites hair cutest little girl sweet love playful play child "family vlog" "family blog" "New Parents" "family friendly" daughter dad mom daddy mommy husband wife kid kids devinanderica devin and erica "devin and erica" relationships laugh laughs couples father mother funny laughing smiles friends who what when where why how

What happens if you touch it?

Few things are as wonderful or amazing as seeing the face of your child discover something new.

We were playing in the bath with our daughter the other day and she found out that something magical happens when you touch the faucet. And something even crazier happens when you pull the thingy on top of the faucet. Watch!

Is that your baby? (Little Girl Loves Her Kitten) (Original)

ittle girl loves her kitty Precious Tantrum Adorable toddler kitten baby "cute baby" "16 month old" cute "baby girl" sweet love playful play child "family vlog" "family blog" "New Parents" "family friendly" daughter dad mom daddy mommy husband wife kid kids devinanderica devin and erica "devin and erica" relationships laugh laughs couples father mother funny laughing smiles friend

I'm Paris: the sweetest and most playful girl kitten

at Coco gave all the kittens themselves, without requiring anything in return! Cute and funny kittens owe everything to his mother - Coco!
Watch a video about Scottish Fold Rocky, Raoul, Rosie, Ruby and Rio and share with friends!
Милые и смешные котята обязаны всем своей маме - Коко!
Смотрите видео о скоттиш фолд Рокки, Рауле, Рози, Руби и Рио и делитесь с друзьями!
Music: Call to Adventure by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a CC Attribution 3.0.

Most Hilarious Videos Of Cats 2014 - Best Funny Kitten Compilation

Funny Cat | Funny Cats Video | Cutte Kitty | Funny Video | Kittens | Happy Cat | Amusing Kittens | Playing Kittens | New Kitty | Funniest Video of Kittens | Dog | Dogs | Cute | Pet | Pets | Doggy | Funny Dogs Playing | Meow | Talking Funny Cat | Happy Cat | Happy Dog | Hilarious | Cat & Dog in Love | Cat Friend and Dog Friend | Cat Friend vs Dog Friend | My Funny Friend

Funny Cats - Compilation

Funny Cats - Compilation

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Madrileños por el Mundo - Madrileños por el mundo: Seúl

Nos hemos ido hasta el paralelo 38, es decir, la frontera que separa Corea del Sur con Corea del Norte. Una zona a la que se conoce como 'zona desmilitarizada'...todo un contrasentido. Allí nos hemos encontrado a unos cuantos madrileños que tienen muchas cosas que contarnos de aquél país.

Madrileños por el Mundo: Sudeste de India

Madrileños por el Mundo: Sudeste de India


Madrileños por el Mundo - Minnesota

El más nórdico de los estados americanos exceptuando Alaska. En invierno se pueden llegar a alcanzar los 40 grados bajo cero. Minnesota es la tierra de los 10.000 lagos y las grandes llanuras

Madrileños por el Mundo - Nueva Zelanda (Isla Norte)

Después de recorrernos casi 20.000 kilómetros y casi 24 horas de vuelo, Madrileños por el Mundo llegó a Auckland, la ciudad más poblada de Nueva Zelanda. Una tierra joven famosa, entre otras cosas, porque aquí se rodó la famosa trilogía de El Señor de los Anillos.

CERDEÑA (Callejeros viajeros)


CERDEÑA (Callejeros viajeros)

CERDEÑA (Callejeros viajeros)


Destino Maldivas

Turquesa, aguas cristalinas, arena blanca, cocoteros en el viento suave y un mundo submarino que no tiene igual - esas son las Maldivas. Además de su flora y fauna se caracteriza la tierra de más de 1.000 islas también por su versatilidad: Ya sea como Robinson, la familia, el bienestar o el aficionado a los deportes - todos los turistas encontrarán una oferta detallada.

Travel Series - Tunisia

Tunisia is located only a few kilometres away from Sicily, the Roman influence is therefore still very obvious. In 800BC the Punic Tunis was only a small village in a shadow of Carthage. Today, Tunis is a modern city with 1,2 Million inhabitants.
Where ever we look the Tunisian flag hoisted everywhere. The five columns of Islam, the state religion of Tunisia, are symbolized by a pentacle . The Muslims believe in God being the only one and Mohammad being his prophet. The teaching of Allah calls the faithful to pray, to fast, to give alms and to make pilgrimage to Mecca

Travel Series - Sicily

Sicily, the beautiful island with 3000 years of cultural heritage and unbelievably varied and beautiful. The largest island of the Mediterranean fascinates its visitors by its diversity. But not only the landscape attracts the travellers. Where the nature is so generous, where citruses, almonds and fig trees bloom and where vegetables, corn and fruit of all kinds is of such a high quality, there Sicily offers luxurious and imaginative menus of typical dishes and product that cannot be compared to any other region.

Best of Santorini - Greece Travel Attractions

Best of Santorini - Greece Travel Attractions - A Travel- as part of the travel series by GeoBeats.
Best of Santorini - Greece Travel Attractions - A Travel- as part of the travel series by GeoBeats.

Jerusalem: An Introduction to the Old City

A documentary on the contemporary social-political state of affairs in the Old City of Jerusalem with Professor Bernard Wasserstein, University of Chicago


Please only post comments relevant to travel and refrain from ANY political comments, positive or negative. There are plenty of other Youtube videos which would welcome political commentary.

Jerusalem is located on a plateau in the Judean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, is one of the oldest cities in the world. It is considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
During its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. The oldest part of the city was settled in the 4th millennium BCE. In 1538, walls were built around Jerusalem under Suleiman the Magnificent. Today those walls define the Old City, which has been traditionally divided into four quarters - known since the early 19th century as the Armenian, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Quarters. The Old City became a World Heritage site in 1981. Modern Jerusalem has grown far beyond the Old City's boundaries.

Simply wandering the streets of the Old City while capturing the ambience, historical sites, smells and different people will leave you with unforgettable experiences and a lifetime of amazing memories. Every person should visit Jerusalem at least once. I shall never forget my visits there. Neither will you!

Travel to France, Italy | The Rivieras: France, Italy, Isles HD

Vacation to Italy and France aboard this Grand Circle Small Ship Cruise Tour. As you cruise the rivieras, sojourns to Florence, the Cinque Terre, Elba Island, Corsica, and Cannes await you.

The Rivieras: France, Italy & the Isles
Florence • Volterra • Livorno • Elba Island • Corsica • Marina di Carrara • Porto Venere • Cinque Terre • Santa Margherita Ligure • Nice • Cannes

Day by Day Itinerary

There's something magical about the light in this part of the world, and there's an azure beauty in the water unlike anywhere else. On this special vacation to Italy and France, you'll join us aboard our award-winning M/V Arethusa—ranked #1 in Condé Nast Traveler's "Top 20 Small Cruise Ships in the World" 2013 Readers' Poll. The gems of this region will be yours to explore, starting with Florence—Tuscany's capital—rich with Renaissance architecture, and Volterra, where you'll witness ancient Etruscan artifacts. You'll then cruise to Elba Island, Corsica, Porto Venere, the Cinque Terre, and Nice, where you'll enjoy guided tours and ample time to make your own discoveries. Then you'll arrive in Cannes, world-renowned host of the annual Cannes Film Festival, where you'll be greeted by palm-fringed avenues and picturesque beaches. Join us in 2014 to experience the jewels of the Mediterranean.
Travel France, Travel Italy, Rivieras, Grand Circle Cruise Line, Florence, Volterra, Livorno, Elba Island, Corsica, Marina di Carrara, Porto Venere, Cinque Terre, Santa Margherita Ligure, Nice, Cannes

Jonsson Farms Harvest Movie

Harvest movie from our harvest at Jonsson Farms in Savage, Montana, USA.

Australian wheat harvest

harvesting at Turner farming company in NSW with john deere s690, 9870, 8335r and 8320r. farm is a ctf farm, also using oztec controlled traffic chaser bins.

Top 5 Coldest Places on Earth

op 5 Coldest Places on Earth. The five places are the absolute coldest places in the world.It doesn't get colder then coldest and for that you have to go to Antartica. Bring a pair of gloves at the very least or your hands coul feel a little cold.

Top 5 Coldest Places on Earth
1.) Vostok Station, Antarctica
2.) Oymyakon, Russia
3.) Verkhoyansk, Russia
4.) North Ice, Greenland
5.) Snag Yukon, Canada

Winter Travel: Reindeer Sledding w/ Siberian nomads in Oymyakon, Yakutia, Siberia / Russia

Winter Travel: Reindeer Sledding w/ Siberian nomads in Oymyakon, Yakutia, Siberia / Russia


Travelling across Siberia
