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Thursday 17 September 2015

Art Therapy - Great Resource for Releasing Daily Life Stress

Art therapy is the use of artistic means for self-expression and self-awareness. It should be done in the presence of a trained art therapist. Those who are referred to an art therapist don't need any previous experience or skills in the art area. On the other side, the art therapist doesn't seek any aesthetic evaluation of the images created by the customer.
The main goal of the practitioner is to help the client to achieve change and development on a personal level through artistic means and materials in a safe and supporting environment.
The relationship between the therapist and the client is crucial. And yet art therapy is triple part process - between the therapist, client and the image artifacts. So it provides an opportunity for expression and communication, and could be practically useful for people who find it difficult to express their thoughts and feelings verbally.
You can attend special group or individual classes, depending of the issues you have and problems to solve. Professional help is always recommended but doing Art at home is as effective as the other practice. So, for those who don't 'have the time' to attend a class sessions, home is just fine as well! Remove the work and home stress.
Provide yourself with art materials of any kind - paper, textures, pencils, pastels, watercolor, paints, etc. Try to do your art subject image. Make it with free hand. Here is the place nobody will criticize for what you are doing. Use lots of colors. Bright ones if it possible. Positive colors such as yellow, white, red, green, orange, purple, even light blue will have good effect on your nerve system and inner mind peace. Dark color won't bring you good emotions. But that doesn't mean you don't have the right to exploit them. Just try to feel it. There is no recipe. Every person is different. Unique in his/her own way so do what you feel is the right thing to do. If you have to express and pour out the stress, do it! Leave the emotion garbage out! Empty your body and fill it with colors and freedom.
Listen to music while drawing. Music is the most direct resource to reach your emotional state. It would give the good basic to predispose you for creating your art work.
There is no need to have an image at all. Just use your brushes and sprinkle different kind of spots or dots. You might even do it with your hands. Feel the paper texture. Feel the media you are using. Make sure your senses are open to receive the positive effect of creating, taking your own personal time with no rush and no thought of problems and obstacles you encounter everyday.
Art therapy is harmless. It brings only pleasure and entertainment. Join your family to this kind of activity. Make it funny. Turn it into a game. Play this game with your kids. They would love it. Their mind is not stressed that's why they accept it with open hands and smiles. Do your Art therapy as many time as you want. The more, the better!
Thank you for reading my article! I hope it was really interesting and useful for you! Keep in touch and check my other articles later!
My name is Alexandra Duhlinska. I'm doing Art for fun and living and I hope that you like my very useful and interesting articles. If you need to contact me, do it here - Thank you for being supportive! Giving me your time for reading my articles, makes me really happy and satisfied with what I do! Keep in touch with me for more great article topics here! Thank you!

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