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Monday 18 February 2013

treatment of cough

The treatment goals of a cough are to reduce the number and severity of cough episodes. Cough treatment is symptomatic and the underlying disorder must be treated to stop the cause of the cough.

There are productive coughs and nonproductive coughs. Productive coughs produce phlegm or mucus and it is generally not recommended to suppress this type of cough unless it is interfering with sleep. You do not want to mask an underlying infection that may be occurring and leaving sputum in the lungs can lead to a more serious infection. In that case this video will focus on how to treat nonproductive coughs.

Please do not self treat without consulting a medical professional. This video provides basic information about medications and should be used for education purposes only. It should not be used as a tool to self diagnose and treat.

Chess - Speed Chess Game

Two top grandmasters, Maxim Dlugy and Hikaru Nakamura, battle it out in a 1-minute blitz game after the U.S. Championship. IM Ben Finegold comments on the side.


travel to japan - Train Travel in Japan is Awesome

Japanese trains are awesome! train to train and time lapse video of trains in Tokyo.