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Saturday 19 September 2015

To Buy An App Or Create An App?

It's not a secret that Apps whether on smartphones, tablets, iPads, or any other portable device, have become an important and vital part of every person's everyday life. Thus, with the number of apps needed exponentially increasing, one can only wonder whether it is better to buy an app or create one.
Truly, the creation of an app has become much easier today, with several tools making it simpler, and an abundance of manuals explaining the details of it for the taste of pretty much anyone. However, we still cannot deny that the creation of some might remain time-consuming and possibly hard for some people. Thereby, the two most important variables in our quest for an answer are technological capabilities and time.First, when someone wants to think about creating his or her own apps, a certain level of "attributes" are required. Certainly, one can learn the specifics of the process depending on the kind of app needed; however, I doubt that someone who can't figure out how to create an e-mail or turn on a laptop can truly get into learning how to create an app. Therefore, I believe that someone who thinks they are moderately good with technology can start thinking about creating their own apps, but someone who struggles with the basics of technology might want to stick with relying on professionals. Moreover, it is not all about being able to create an app, but also about whether that can truly be beneficial; and this is where time comes in. Some people simply do not have enough free time to go through the learning and creation processes, which can be truly time consuming. Furthermore, even if the free time is available, one might wonder whether going through all the learning is really worth it. This is where the theory in economics of "utility" comes in handy. If someone can work for an hour and get $20, why waste several hours on learning how to and actually creating an app that can be bought with $2?
Therefore, creating an app is possible, however not probable to be beneficial to everyone. Most apps are not really expensive, and most people do not have both the capability and time to learn how to create an app, and others have both but it's still not beneficial. Thus, we can exclude those who have fun learning about coding and working on the apps from the equation, but I believe sticking to buying apps is best for most common people.

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