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Wednesday 16 September 2015

How to Build Your Immune System To Fight Viruses

The immune system is known as the most remarkable and complex systems within the human body. As a holistic nutritionist, I reflect on the crisis in dis-ease care. Therefore, my spirit leads me to write on this subject. I'm more indebted to impart healthy choices for change in a world that has reached epidemic dis-ease in almost every aspect of health around the world. More education, or dedication, rather than medication is a major factor in creating better health for a triumphant life.
It was one of our forefathers who echoed these words centuries ago "If people let the Government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny" - Thomas Jefferson.
The immune system is compromised when there is an over accumulation of toxins and mucous in the body. If the culprits are not reduced to normal levels, your immune system weakens increasing your chance for infectious dis-ease.
A profound sense of well-being can be achieved by anyone. In essence, you need to acquire an abundance of holistic nutrition. That is simply giving your body the best possible intake of nutrients allowing it to be healthy and work optimally for you. Holistic nutrition promotes your emotional, mental and physical performance as well as balance. Utilizing whole nutrition lowers your incidence of sickness while promoting longevity and youth. The medicine for today and the future is connected to holistic nutrition.
Out of the host of nutrients that have been identified as essential for health, nine of them are considered the most important which are your amino acids, magnificent minerals, essential fats, vital vitamins, superior carbohydrates, fine fiber, pure water, light and oxygen. Consuming these optimum nutrients daily, your body gradually rebuilds itself.
Numerous benefits of building your immunity with holistic nutrition can be achieved from the least to the greatest of optimum energy, clean intestinal tract, improved digestive power, increased IQ (sharp mind), balanced cholesterol levels, speed the recovery time from infections, improved mental clarity and mood, concentration and sleep quality, and more important, protection from disease to an extended healthy life span.
The dichotomy between traditional healthcare model and conventional/modern medicine can be explained as follows. Traditional care perceives prevention as using education and awareness emphasizing change in behavior to prevent premature sickness and dis-ease. Modern medicine administers detection and screening as a method for prevention. Modern medicine has its advantages especially for emergency cases. Traditional sense of health care believes in the "land and seed" therapy. That is to say if your body is strong enough, dis-ease doesn't stand a chance. It sees the body as the "land" and all the disease-causing elements as the "seed".
If the land/body is strong enough or in this case (infertile), no matter how strong the seed (germ), it won't grow. You can get your body to be so strong that no matter what comes along including cancer-your body can fight it off. This is why focusing on strengthening your immune system is important. It's key to optimum health, (including weight loss, infection, pain and associated nutritional deficiencies.)
As a testimony of good health at age 53, in my mid 30's I healed myself from restless leg syndrome and slight joint pain in my hand. The therapy that I incorporated in my regime along with the holistic lifestyle that I live healed me immediately. It wasn't until a month or so later I realized that the discomfort I experienced during my monthly cycle no longer affected me to this day. By taking preventative steps of cleansing to reduce toxins from my system, I changed my whole world. Working with a host of diversified communities in bringing positive change to their current health, I speak with authority on the benefits of holistic nutrition.
This is nothing new. Many great scholars and visionaries have embraced holistic nutrition. It wasn't until the 19th century this approach was rediscovered. Renowned plants were utilized for healing and curing dis-eases during our ancestral history. After the Cold War more and more refined, processed and chemical laden foods emerged.
It was Edison in the twentieth century who envision the proclamation "The doctors of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." Diet and nutrition are linked to health.
Holistic nutrition and being willing to change obsolete beliefs and behavior patterns that create tension and stress virtually can strengthen your immunity to prevent dis-ease.
There is one only dis-ease which is formed by an accumulation of mucous. If the mucous isn't dealt with by keeping it reduced to a normal level, it weakens your immune system increasing your chance for infection.
There is no need for me to provide you with medical statistics on the epidemic of dis-ease. Though, I'd like to add that Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin, professor emeritus at the University of Alabama Medical said "modern medicine is failing to provide true health care, and making a lot of money out of it. What we call "health care" is really disease care".
Avoid The Drug Cycle
Many medical drugs (such as painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs) suppress the body's normal responses to the underlying contributors. They act like toxins in the body and can contribute to decline in health and/or dependence.
These drugs treat the symptom but not the underlying cause. Then you need another drug to counteract the symptoms. Your body/health begins to spiral downward.
Prevention Is Better Than Cure
The host is more important than the invader. When fighting infections naturally, it is important to know what you are dealing with. In this cosmic world and body we live in, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites are found. Strengthening the body, rather than conquering the invading organism proves a more effective strategy.
In conclusion, taking these three preliminary steps; undoubtedly, help to improve your immunity.
Step 1 - Administer regularly holistic immune building nutrients to power it up.
Step 2 - Avoid using immune suppressant and depressant drugs without implementing a detox afterwards.
Step 3 - Utilize a detox/cleanse periodically to remove toxins from the body.
The "Breath of Life Detox" 30 Day Regeneration formula keeps us strong and healthy. You will find an array of amazing benefits from the recipes and therapy using "Breath of Life Detox" holistic living techniques.

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