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Monday 14 September 2015

Harder and Smarter - 4 Ways to Find More Delivery Work

How do you become more efficient? The answer seems to be that you should work smarter, not harder. The ability to find short-cuts that don't compromise on quality, and the capacity to save time yet increase productivity is highly prized.
But what about working harder and smarter? In transportation, this can, in fact, be the way to pick up more jobs.
Last-minute loads
One smart way to find more delivery work is simply by knowing where to look for it. Places such as online exchanges offer a vital way of looking for jobs among growing client bases. Moreover, it is smart to consider picking up often-neglected yet vital jobs, such as those that cover last minute requirements to fill loads or return loads. The hard slog comes in to play when you seek to win this sort of work against the competition. This often means building a solid online reputation and being online regularly enough to pick up last minute jobs when they pop up.
Busy periods
Simply seeking delivery work here, there, and everywhere can be a little random. Putting effort into a smart plan for seeking fresh jobs will yield greater results. Targeting busy haulage periods, such as Christmas, or focusing on periods when certain sectors require more jobs to be done, such as the end of the financial year when accounting firms send more messages and packages, is a wise move. Apply yourself with a little extra effort and you will be able to maintain the level of service needed at these times.
Niche projects
Sometimes, delivery work is needed in the corners of the market, rather than in the centre. Niche projects involve the transportation of specialist goods, or jobs involving clients who require specialised couriers. Either way, it is not simply a matter of having the smarts to find such clients and then patting yourself on the back for a job well done. You will need to put in the effort required to be suitably trained and equipped to perform such specialist services. The pay-off is that with more responsibility comes a higher level of skill, which brings a greater edge against the competition.
The day-to-day process of delivery work can seem like one big, ongoing competition. Many hauliers work alone (if they are self-employed) and see others in their field, no matter how friendly they may be on personal terms, as competitors whose increased workloads mean decreased opportunities for themselves. But teaming up, networking, and putting extra effort into striving together can be a clever and dynamic way to corner more of the market and create more jobs all round. This collaboration can take many forms, but on the whole it means combining efforts and seeing growth as a mutual, not mutually exclusive, goal.

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