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Monday 14 September 2015

Buying Guillotines for the Office

There are a number of different items that you need to have in your office. One of the essentials is a guillotine. Buying guillotines for the office has never been easier.
There are some people in this world who can make miracles happen with scissors, there are other people who will simply chop of their finger. This is why it is necessary to have guillotines in your offices. You will be able to make sure that even if you do have a clumsy Christine or Clyde, every item will be cut perfectly. The problem with scissors is that you cannot always get the correct shape, angle or even straight line. A guillotine has been designed to be able to issue your document with a straight line in one quick swift chop. The design has a blade as well as a platform that you can line up your document on. This will then give you the perfect accuracy and make sure that no uneven edges will appear. Some guillotines have even been designed to handle multiple pieces of paper at once, increasing the productivity within your office. It is also an essential item to have if you need to cut finicky documents. Regardless of the size of the document, the guillotine will be able to provide you with the perfect outcome every time. There is absolutely no reason why you should not get a guillotine in your office.
The question is which guillotine should you purchase? There are a number of different models out there, you just need to know which brands are going to be able to offer you the best results. There are two models that you should consider getting for your offices:
· KW-Trio 3029: The cutting length on this beauty is 546 mm and the cutting height is 2.0mm. It uses a clamp to press down on the documentation and has a knife for its blade. It is the perfect guillotine for smaller jobs and can sit on a table somewhere in your office out of the way of the hustle and bustle.
· KW-Trio 3982S: this is the more versatile of the two as it will be able to handle a larger load. It is a free standing guillotine and does not need to be kept on a table. It has an inserting depth of 480mm and has an optical cutting line. It also has an electronic blade, which means that you do not need to work up a sweat while preparing your documentation.
Depending on the needs of your offices, will determine which one of these would be best suited to you. Increasing the productivity in your offices will be possible once you get a guillotine to help you with the load.

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