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Wednesday 23 September 2015

Cornhole: The Point System

The Cornhole Point-System:
2 teams consist of 2 players. 1 player from each team stands on one side of the box.
Generally, if Player 1 from Team 1 is standing on the left-hand side of Box 1, then Player 2 of the same team is standing on the left-hand side of the opposing box.
The point System:
The game is played to 21. 8 bags are placed on one box, each player uses four bags. The bags are thrown in alternative fashion, and the bags are usually two distinct colors to differentiate teams.
One point is earned when a player lands a bag on the surface of the corresponding box. 3 points are rewarded if a player lands the thrown bag into the hole. The players take turns throwing, which gives each the opportunity to deduct earned points from the other. This can be done by either knocking an opposing bag off of the board, or landing a bag on the board.
The most a team can earn in 1 set is 12. This is only accomplished if one player does not land a single bag on the board, and the opposing player puts all 4 bags "in the hole" for 3 points each.
Points are tallied for each team AT THE END of each set, not during. This makes it easier to keep the overall score. A player can earn one point by putting their bag on the board, but if the corresponding player puts the next bag on the board, that throw will negate the point. So, at the end of the "set", when both players throw all 4 bags, the bags are counted.
If P::1A put 2 bags on the board, and 1 bag in the hole, P::1A is credited with 5 points (3 for the hole, 2 for each board). If P::1B puts 2 bags in the hole, and 1 on the board, P::1B is credited with 7 points (6 + 1).
When the scores are tallied, P::1A has earned no points for TeamA and P::1B has earned 2 points for TeamB.
If the points are tallied at the end of a set and each player earned the same amount of points, neither team has earned 0 points. This is called a "Wash".
Review of the basics:
The game is played until one team reaches 21
Each time a player lands a bag on the board, the player is credited with one point.
Each time a player outs a bag in the hole, the player is credited with 2 points.
A thrown bag cannot touch the ground or bounce from the ground to the board.
When each player has thrown all of their four bags, it is referred to as a set

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