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Wednesday 23 September 2015

A coach is the single most important person in a team. they are responsible for their team's successes and failures. I believe a coach is good when they master the techniques and strategies of their sport. But they become great when they have a coaching philosophy. This is a coherent ideology about what the coach recognizes as important. It contains what they strive for, why they strive for it and how they believe to achieve it. It also may contain what they want to avoid. This philosophy is usually turned into a statement with all important elements. For example:
"My coaching philosophy is: I am a firm believer "If you have knowledge pass it on to those who do not". I also believe that playing sports as a child, not only builds character and confidence but also gives them a sense of accomplishment. It also prepares them for life. Working as a team or as a team player. Not as an individual. I also feel it can bring a child out of his/her shell or shyness." - George Hornung, Soccer Coach.
George Hornung emphasizes the personal development and sense of achievement of his players. By having a coherent ideology this coach can effectively do his job. It gives him a blueprint from which to educate his decisions and coaching style. His response to a child who makes too many mistakes will differ from a coaching with a philosophy which emphasizes results. In this way a coach can build on this ideology to make decisions that conform to what he thinks is important. Likewise the players will have a better understanding of what they are training for and what is expected of them. Formulating a coaching philosophy will thus not only strengthen your play but it will also create a stronger bond and a sense of what is important. It will teach you as a coach what you find important in sports and life and help you convey these ideals to your players. In turn they will grow from it.
Having knowledge in the field of philosophy can be helpful toward your developing your own coaching philosophy but it is not necessary. It is more important to know yourself and have knowledge what you find important in life and sports and what you want to get out of it. Philosophy is just one way of learning more about these aspects of yourself

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